How to Cheat at Boxing Skit 1 by Katerin Mladenov on Scribd How to Cheat at Boxing Skit 2 by Katerin Mladenov on Scribd How to Cheat at Boxing Skit 3 by Katerin Mladenov on Scribd
Here are the poses for week one, well-doing them I found Moms rig to be restrictive in some cases, for example, when possing a kick his legs can't be moved high so you have to work around this obstacle in order to get the pose as accurate as you can.
Here is the turbine I made today for my Factory scene in the Fantastic Voyage animation. I also messed around with some particle effects in order to represent the steam turning the blades but I'm still figuring out how to use the fluid Container.
Here are two different camera options i'm looking for when i start animating my world one is an isometric shot and the other is the normal camera Maya comes with. I really like both but i'm not sure if the Maya camera gives the world a better effect overall. Isometric: Camera Maya: Camera
Here are some quick Storyboard Sketches looking at how I will animate my animatic, This Sketches are looking at how my camera will move through the city as it get's further away.
Here is my second draft after the feed back I changed the Narrator from a character to a voice but a kept his chatty side. I feel by doing this it keeps the audience engaged with the learning side of things. I also made the script more about the journey of the different energy types within the power plant as they come together to create electricity, rather than just explaining it.
Here is a draft of my Script for Fantastic Voyage looking at making the narrator be a friendly character in my animation so as to engage the audience with the learning.
Here are some of the test drawing for the Isometric art style looking at some houses and tree styles I can use for the project i really like the designs for 2, 5, and 4 I am going to try Incorporate them into some thumbnail art of what a city way look like.
Influence Map After receiving feedback from my ORG, I created this Influence map for isometric models in order to give me an idea of what they look like and the different styles that come with them.
Story Two: Ending One The story follows two main characters on their mission to steal a briefcase from a group of pirates. The first shot opens with an establishing shot of the heist plan they have been making for months as it zooms into the map the camera brings the audience attention to several key photos on it. First is the briefcase second is the Airship of the pirates at the layout of it. As the camera zooms into a photo of the docked ship it transitions onto our main Character and his partner as they watch the pirates get of waiting for their moment to get on the ship and find the briefcase. As they are entering the ship the main characters partner speaks and says, “This is a bad idea we should turn back what if we get caught”. As the main Character turns and assures him that everything would be find and tells him that they can’t turn back after months of planning. When they arrive at the briefcase, they hear footsteps and relies someone is on the ship and the...
I have two ideas but I’m not sure if I can go anywhere with them and build a solid argument for one or the other. I think my second idea is better than my first one and can be argued about more, but I’m still not sure if I should scrap both of them and go with a more theory-based idea Ideas 1 What is the purpose of your essay? To argue how an over use of Visual effects/CGI can make or break a film. I also want to show how Visual effects/CGI has been used effectively and ineffectively in films What are the big ideas/ key theories? I want to look how a blend of practically built sets and CGI can create a better film then a fully CGI one. What is the historical context of your discussion? I want to look at how Visual effects/CGI can negatively impact a Film and the audience watching it. Also looking at how historically Visual effects/CGI have been used well to help enhance a film and compare them with films that have used it badly What is the next step? Lo...
Many of the of the Ideas for the soundscape mind map are driven from how I think the sound would start and end and from the imagination of the objects been alive and moving. I also thought about how parts of the objects can be divided into different sounds and what this sound may be doing and or have in common with one another.