Toolkit two has been an interesting project to work on, I found the time spent on the project to be enjoyable to an extent in particular when things were going smoothly and no crashes occurred with the software. The main things I enjoyed the most about the project was the learning aspect I feel like I have learned a lot about character modeling and rigging. Even though I have finished Jetpack Johns I would not feel comfortable with modeling and rigging a full character on my own without the tutorials. But with that said I feel with a bit more practice and repetition of doing the same thing to my premise characters I can confidently say that I will be ready to attempt a model of my own without any help from the tutorials. I would not expect, said model to be perfect but it will be a stepping stone to allowing me to be independent in the future. On the other hand, one other thing that I really didn't think I will enjoy was the Mudbox exercises, but after completing them I feel like ...