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What if? Metropolis: Online Green Review: Part


  1. OGR 22/11/2018

    Hi Katerin... okay, so this OGR tells me a couple of things: the first is that you've got the potential here for a successful digital set that responds to your artist, and secondly, that you 100% need to raise your game in terms of your output and your commitment to always producing coursework at the quality and quantity expected of you. I appreciate it can be unhelpful sometimes to encourage students to 'compare themselves' to classmates, but you have to see it from my position too: in the same time it's taken you to put this OGR together, others in your class that achieved this in the same time...

    You've had the majority of your buildings designed and finished a while back, so I'm not sure why your concept art is unfinished? You certainly haven't been giving your time to your film reviews (for example!). In terms of your actual scene, I think you need to reconsider your view; you want a sense of soaring power and dynamism and energy coming off this city, and this 'helicopter shot' isn't delivering that: check out this concept painting from the most recent Oz remake for a sense of what I think you're vision is lacking...

    Don't misunderstand me: you've got some very nice individual assets here and there's quality in some of them, but you need to push yourself much harder and aspire to create the very best work of which you're capable and test your limits. You seem a bit too comfy to me!

    So - in summary, yes, you've got the bones here and some slick assets, but I want you to revisit your final view to achieve something more truly 'futurist' and dynamic. Onwards!


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