Story Two: Ending One The story follows two main characters on their mission to steal a briefcase from a group of pirates. The first shot opens with an establishing shot of the heist plan they have been making for months as it zooms into the map the camera brings the audience attention to several key photos on it. First is the briefcase second is the Airship of the pirates at the layout of it. As the camera zooms into a photo of the docked ship it transitions onto our main Character and his partner as they watch the pirates get of waiting for their moment to get on the ship and find the briefcase. As they are entering the ship the main characters partner speaks and says, “This is a bad idea we should turn back what if we get caught”. As the main Character turns and assures him that everything would be find and tells him that they can’t turn back after months of planning. When they arrive at the briefcase, they hear footsteps and relies someone is on the ship and the...