Overall, I feel that the minor project has gone great for me personally, although I did not achieve everything, I wanted such as fully finishing my character Riggs. I think that it has shown me the amount of work I can do when I am putting my mind to it. I Feel with a bit more practice and repetition I can get quicker at modeling characters. This project has also shown me how fun rigging can be, such as seeing your character come to life and knowing that you can animate and make it do things that you could not do before. I felt that during this project I performed better than I did in other projects, making myself work more and focusing on work rather than procrastinating. I still feel that my procrastination needs work but minor has, help me work towards this. I feel that this may have been contributed to things like working in Maya where my comfort zone with work lies. That said I do feel that when it came to artwork such as concept art, I avoided that and tended to lean towards...