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Animation: Squish and Squash

For this class of animation, we were tasked with Bouncing a ball in four Different ways, three of where to do with wight and how to animate it. The fourth was using squish and squash one of the 12 principles of animation

Bounce Balls

The first three Balls that we animated where a Ping pong, Tennis, and Bawling Ball. This Task introduced us to wight and animating different objects depending on it. In the animation you can see that each ball has a different bounce to it, this is all dependant on their wight and hardness. For example, in the Bawling ball the wight and hardness made it bounce less, and the Ping Pong ball is light wight.

Squish and Squash

The fourth Animation involved squish and squash, one of the 12 principle to animation. This thought us about contrasting change in shape. This change in shape is in the form of a squish or a squash, this gives an object more life unlike a plain ball Bounce.


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